What is the scale of Houdini?
In fact this contains different degrees of difficulty. The scale of Houdini indicates: how much patience, inventiveness, self-control, team work and how many concentration and combination abilities are needed for escaping from the multi-closed Parapark rooms. The most difficult rooms have 5 houdinis, the easier ones less. (The original ParaPark productions have 4 or 5 points, the fake rooms - that today can be found all over the country – usually have 3 houdinis or less).

But who is Houdini?
I can’t believe you don’t know... Harry Houdini was the world’s most famous escape artist. (according to G.B. Shaw beside the name of Jesus ad Sherlock Holmes the name of Houdini was mentioned most often in the world at the beginning of the last century). Houdini was Hungarian by birth and he was born with the name of Weisz Erik in the VIIth district of Budapest – however he wanted to keep his Hungarian origin secret. He could escape everything and from eveywhere: police handcuffs, containers full of water, straitjacket, American and Russian jails. According to the legend he died during his last escape show, but the ugly truth is that he died of appendicitis. As a sign of our respect for Houdini we named the ParaPark rooms’ scale of difficulty after him.

our levels

P2 – The Day of the Exam
Getting your driver’s license can cost a lot. For some, it can cost their life…The driver’s test at the ParaParking lot got a little out of hand. Two men have gone missing, a car has been wrecked, and there’s not a soul in the whole parking garage. Get in the elevator and visit all the levels. Gather all the clues and try to figure out what’s gone down (or up, for that matter). We are putting you to the test now. And you’d better come prepared becase there are no second chances…P2
Are you ready for this level?
9 Gateway – Where paranormal is just normal
The people living in the city have been whispering about the inexplicable phenomenon’s circulating around the old abandoned building. They say that sometimes people hear strange sounds coming from beyond the walls. The old „residents” tell us a story: once, in this place, was organized a conjuration of spirits after which the 6 people didn’t come out from the cellar, the depths swallowed them up... More teams tried to find them, but those who spent more than 1 hour in the cellar never came back.. As the clock starts ticking you can hear the verses of the parchment that were said by the members of the last seance... The walls whisper the words of a secret and ancient language, from now on the game is not just a game, everything changes and the passage opens... So now the team has a problem to solve: get into the passage and come back to your world within 60 minutes! – if you can...CSI: Budapest, 1995.
The detectives are stroking their chins and scratching their heads. What could have happened here? Multiple crimes seem to have been committed in the last house on Limelight Street. Is that a coincidence or are these gruesome acts linked somehow? There are so many clues around yet everyone is clueless. Who did this? And what exactly did they do? Everyone’s a suspect.What’s your alibi?
Crime Scene ’95 Rooms of Doom
„Cubes are the root of all power, my comrades. We need the dedicated work of all of you if we want to harness that power! We have to create the best object ever manufactured: the Hungarian Cube. Orbs and cones cannot compete with the National Object of Hungary!”
It was motivational speeches such as this one that used to fire up workers in the Community Cube Factory, and encourage them to surpass the norm. And they succeeded: there is absolutely nothing normal about this factory floor. Abandoned assembly lines, derelict machines, and the ghosts of factory workers past haunt the basement. Everything’s fallen to pieces. Can you put those pieces back together?
Community Cube Factory – Phase 1
Mystery3 – Mystery Cubed
our levels

Studio Nr. 113 - the metropolitan schizo
Insiders knows that this was the ancient ParaPark track, the first escape-room-game of the galaxy. All has started with this one. In the background there is a very poisonous neighborly relation. The residential is engaged in a psychological warfare against the inhabitant of the neighborhood - the neighbor against her. What's in the background of the bad neighborhood? How do they know each other? If you have the guts, close yourself into a studio of a sick mind sinister and Find out what happened! Bear with the maddening noise: doors creak, sound of steps - and the incessant ticking clock.The fourth element or Empire under water
An adventurer who set out to find the Fountain of Youth has disappeared under mysterious circumstances. He left some extremely valuable archeological findings in his apartment…You need to unravel the mystery with the help of these items - the mystery of ancient elements pitted against each other in the sign of the Aquarius.
A new factory has just set foot in Geneva to conquer the chocolate industry, not only in Switzerland but the entire world! Their method is simple but evil: highly addictive chocolate with MONSTR oil that causes obesity, obsession and a disregard for life in everyone that tastes it. Even the Black Death cannot be compared to what is expected if this factory is not stopped! Do you dare say no to this chocolate and take on the MONSTR factory?!
You are failed musicians. Years of drugs and lust were the reason of your failure. Today is your last chance to achieve glory. How far are you willing to go to succeed? Would you be willing to sell your soul to the devil? You have 60 minutes to become a rockstar or you will be forgotten forever.